As I watch my garden start greening up with the flowers and bushes that I have planted over the years, I realized that I love perennials for their ability to rebloom each year. The peony bush sprouts are starting to push through the mulch and rose bush stems are starting to turn green and the buds are coming out. After a long (or short) winter, these signs of spring are exciting. The early green shoots are so vibrant and new! I find myself itching to get out and dig … but I know I need to wait a little longer so I prune instead. I have to admit I did move a few bushes this weekend ... the weather was just too nice.
I will still plant annuals in my flower pots next month and enjoy those blooms all summer … but I find myself relishing the perennials in my garden more. They are like friends who visit annually after being gone for several months and I wait impatiently for their return. Perennials may not bloom all summer but their foliage creates a landscape that I look forward to each year.